Q & A

Portis Wasp: 5 Questions With Sektual

A guilty pleasure you can't seem to quit?

-Shopping.  Ironically, the blog has added fuel to that [guilty] pleasure.  I have always been able to talk myself into making any purchase, but now when I buy something, I have the mindset that I can wear it on the blog, and it makes shopping completely guilt-free!  Oh and alcohol!

[He has since opened an online store of vintage t-shirts shopsektual.com]

What superpower would you love to have for 24 hours?

-Being invisible.  I like the idea of being a "fly on the wall" 

If you only had $10 left in your pocket what would you spend it on?

-Honestly, I never have cash on me, so when I do, I feel lucky and buy lottery tickets!  I have yet to win big, so the odds are in my favor!  Or if I was hungry, I'd go to McDonald's...Their dollar menu is lit!

Which flavour of ice cream best describes your personality and why?

-Salt & Straw's Salted Caramel.  I can be a salty bitch, but at the end of the day, I'm everyone's' favorite!  [laughs]

What do you stand for?

-I used to stand for nothing, and fall for everything...I sound like a fucking Hallmark card, but it's true!  I was such a people pleaser [to a fault].  I put other peoples' feelings before my own.  After awhile, I got tired of people treating me like shit, because they knew I wouldn't stand up for myself!  The blog has really helped me focus my anger and energy.  Sometimes I shock myself at what comes out [when I'm typing away on my computer] but I always think "If I wrote it, someone else is probably thinking it."  The main thing I want people to get from me is to inspired.  Stand up for themselves, speak their truth, and hopefully get a few laughs along the way!  -And it's a fashion blog, so hopefully someone gets a little fashion inspo in there too!  Just a modern day Mother Theresa over here!

Thanks Brett!
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